Structural muqarnas: Reconstructing muqarnas using graphic statics
Hossein Kamyab, Mansour Yeganeh, and Mohammad Bolhassani
In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia, 2022
Muqarnas is an aesthetic spatial element in Islamic architecture with stalactite-like complex geometry. While it has the potential to be structural, it is mostly considered an ornamental element. Due to its geometric complexity, it was difficult for architects and masons to consider muqarnas as a structural element in the past, using their basic tools. This research will use graphic statics to contemporize and regenerate muqarnas as a structural element by maintaining its aesthetic while being an efficient compression-only structure that can be fabricated using advanced manufacturing techniques in a timely manner. Muqarnas is divided into two main types according to their 2D pattern: radial and tessellation ones. Two prominent examples of these muqarnas in Iran, Hasht Behesht (radial), and Natanz (tessellation) have been studied here. To reproduce the patterns, the graphic static methodology (using thrust network analysis) is implemented. The 2D pattern of muqarnas is considered as an initial form diagram to find the reciprocal force diagram. In almost every case, the primal form diagram cannot be used directly and needs some modifications according to the principles of graphic statics. By finding the horizontal and vertical equilibrium, the thrust lines that follow the pattern of muqarnas are generated. After the form-finding, different methods of materializations are performed to find a similar shape to the original muqarnas while considering efficiency, fabrication limitations, and construction time. Structural analysis of the found muqarnas showed very small deflection and stress because of that they are lightweight and designed in compression.